AMCAT is truly one of the best ways for a fresher to get into his dream job
Mahammad Azeem Mahammad Azeem
Aspiring Minds: Tell us something about yourself and your career goals. |
Aspiring Minds: Tell us something about yourself and your career goals.
Azeem: My name is Mahammad Azeem from GAT, Bangalore. I am indeed pretty much happy for my placement in Aricent Technologies. I heartily thank the AMCAT team for being one of the major reasons for my job and thank you for your wish.
Aspiring Minds: What difficulties did you face while searching for a job and how did you overcame those difficulties?
Azeem: I found myself in a very tough situation while seeking for the job and more over it was like a burden. But AMCAT helped me face this struggle and provided me with the opportunity to overcome the same.
Aspiring Minds: Tell us about your experience post giving the AMCAT test and how AMCAT helped you in getting the job at Aricent?
Azeem: I heard about the AMCAT from one of my friend and after few months my college (GAT) provided me this opportunity to take up the AMCAT test. AMCAT is truly one of the best ways for a fresher to get into his desired/dream job.
Aspiring Minds: Would you suggest other job seekers to take AMCAT? If yes, why
Azeem: Yes, I suggest other job seekers to take up the AMCAT test because you will get one or the other opportunity to get you dream job.
Aspiring Minds: Would you like to share some tips which can help other job seekers in getting a good job?
Azeem: Take up the AMCAT test as soon as possible.
-Mahammad Azeem, Global Academy of Technology, 2015 batch
Hired by Aricent
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