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The collaboration with Aspiring Minds helped us achieve our objective of shortlisting extremely good candidates from the northern region who are not only good but also willing to work in the technology environment we provide.

It was our first association with Aspiring Minds. They have an extensive database of candidates and good filtering mechanism.This collaboration helped us achieve our objective of shortlisting extremely good candidates from the northern region who are not only good but also willing to work in the technology environment we provide.Read More

It was our first association with Aspiring Minds. They have an extensive database of candidates and good filtering mechanism.This collaboration helped us achieve our objective of shortlisting extremely good candidates from the northern region who are not only good but also willing to work in the technology environment we provide.Efforts from Aspiring Minds are commendable and that has minimized our effort to hunt out for talent.

  -Alok Tiwari, Country Head,

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AMCAT :Test for a Dream Job

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