You would be glad to know that you have been shortlisted for the recruitment procedure with Softaculous for the position of Software Developer at Mumbai Central. The salary for this profile would be Upto INR 4.0 LPA.
All information about the profile and compensation are given below.
- For Freshers - 15k to 18 K Inhand
- For Experienced - 20k to 30 K Inhand
Note: Salary will be decided on the basis of work experience and performance during the interview rounds.
Course specialization: B.E/B.Sc/B.Tech (IT, Computer Science )
Academic Criteria: 60% throughout academic.
Note: Candidates Located in Mumbai and Pune needs to apply only.
- Freshers with experience in projects based on C,C++
- Experienced candidates - 6 months to 3 years .
Role and Responsibilities & Required Skill Set:
- The candidate will be responsible for participating in the development, testing and debugging the Storage/Network etc kernel modules.
- The candidate will be part of the Research and Development Group and would responsible for working as a team.
- The candidate should have knowledge in Windows Programming, multi-threading and synchronization.
- The candidate should have Deep understanding of OS concepts, multiprocessing, File Systems, Virtual memory.Practical The candidate should have the knowledge of C, C++, Operating System concepts, Device Drivers.
- The candidate should have strong programming skills in C, C++ and Data Structure and in-depth understanding of TCP/IP protocol stacks.
- The candidate should have the expertise in Debugging Tool. .
Selection Process: Technical Task followed by Face To face Interview.
Tentative Date of interview: To be intimated post registrations
Last date for registering is 13th October, 2013 by 12.00 PM; Late registrations shall not be considered.
To Register, click on ‘Apply’ button, fill in the required details and then click on ‘Submit’ button.
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