Metal & Steel Factory, Ishapore near Kolkata is a unit under the Ordnance Factory Board, Ministry of Defence, Govt. ofIndia. It is basically a metallurgical factory producing ferrous and non-ferrous materials and components through State-Of-Art steel making facilities available in the form of Electric Arc Furnace, Ladle Furnace Vacuum Degassing Unit, Electro Slug Re-melting Unit, Open Forging Press, Radial Forging Plant, Hot Rolling Mill etc. and Brass Melting Furnaces & Brass Rolling Mills. Also available are facilities for precision control Heat Treatment required to meet end use requirements and also facilities for manufacture of steel Cartridge Cases in a dedicated line for Deep Drawing Processes
Last Date :22 Mar 2015
Eligibility : Certificate Course (ITI)
Qualification : a) Matriculation. b) National Apprentice Certificate (NAC)/ National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT. Note : Diploma in Engineering without possessing NAC/NTC cannot be accepted as qualification for Direct Recruitment to the Semi-Skilled posts
Selection Procedure: a. The selection will be made strictly on the basis of merit. b. There will be a written examination of one paper. The paper will be of "Objective-Multiple-Choice-Type" of maximum 100 marks. c. On the basis of marks obtained in Written Test, candidates upto 1.25 times the number of vacancies in each trade will be called for Trade Test. d. Trade Test will be merely qualifying in nature. It will not decide the merit of the selected candidates. The merit will be decided solely based on the results of the written examination. e. Trade Test is an essential part of the selection process of Industrial Employees. Viva-voce, if any, considered necessary to test the skill of the candidate being considered for recruitment. will essentially form part of Trade Test. f. The candidates who fail in the Trade Test would not be considered for recruitment irrespective of marks scored by them in the written examination.
How to apply
Candidates should apply Online. The link will remain active from 02.03.2015 to 22.03.2015
B. Pharm, B.A., B.A.(Hons.), B.Com., B.Com.(Hons.), B.E-Com., B.Sc., B.Sc.(Hons.), B.Sc.(Hotel Management), B.Tech/B.E., BAF, BBA, BBI, BBM, BBS, BCA, BCM, BDS, BFIA, BFM, BHM 3 Yr., BHM 4 Yr., BIM, BIT, BJMC, BMM, BMS, Chartered Accountant, Diploma 1 Yr., Diploma 2 Yr., Diploma 3 Yr., LL.B, M. Pharm, M.A., M.A.(Hons.), M.Com.(Hons.), M.Phil., M.Sc., M.Sc. (Tech.), M.Sc.(Hons.), M.Tech./M.E., MBA, MBBS, MBE, MCA, MCM, MFM, MMS, MSW, Other, P.G. Diploma 1 Yr., P.G. Diploma 2 Yr., P.G.D.B.A, P.G.D.B.M., P.G.D.C.A, Ph.D.
Work Experience:
0 - 1 Years
3 - 4 LPA
Electronics & Semiconductor