Established in 1963 as a joint venture of the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan, The Malaviya Regional Engineering College, Jaipur started functioning with 30 students each in Electrical Engg. and Mechanical Engg.
Last Date : 06 Apr 2015
Eligibility : B.Com
Qualification: B.Com Candidates with higher qualification (M.Com) may also apply. But higher salary will not be paid to them. Desirable: a Proficiency in MS office including Excel . a Proficiency in MS office including Excel. Mandatory: At least 1 year experience in Tally
Mode of Selection: Test - A written test would be conducted for assessing the ability of the candidates in Tally, MS office and communication skills in English. Interview - Candidates short-listed after test on the same day
How to apply
The application, along with enclosures should be sent to: The Dean (R&C) Office of the Dean (R&C) National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-15. Last Date for Receipt of Application: 5 PM April 6 2015. Tentative Date for Test/Interview : April 9, 2015.
Work Experience:
0 - 1 Years
2.5 - 4 LPA