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0 - 2 Years   |   10 - 25 LPA   |   Halflong
About Company
Job Description

If you are well versed in writing informational, texts, selling texts. If you had experience creating content for a company, its products or services, then you are welcome to us!

Main product: online and offline education in the field of education and personal development.

Required work experience (our wishes):

Knowledge of the basics of digital communications;
Responsibility, proactivity, communication skills, teamwork;
Work experience or education in writing and education.

Functional responsibilities:

  • Generation of interesting content for the target audience;
  • Participation in the development of digital strategies; strategies for presence on social networks;
  • Administration, moderation, content management of communities in social networks;
  • Preparation of content for write essays and display education campaigns;
  • Interaction with the project team;
  • Monthly project reporting;
  • Conducting interviews with experts;
  • Support Telegram channel;
  • Writing scripts for video blogs, categories, programs;
  • Skills in graphic and video editors (welcome).

Brief information on the first tasks:

Weekly compilation of content plans;
Accompanying targeted and display advertising campaigns;
Generation of interesting content for the target audience;
Writing scripts for video blogs, categories, programs.

A job will be interesting if:

There is a desire to develop the skill of creating interesting content;

There is a desire to directly influence the result with the help of effective audio-visual solutions;

I want to quickly see the results of my work - the average term for implementing solutions with us is 1 week.

Work Experience:

0 - 2 Years


10 - 25 LPA
