HTML CSS Designer

Fast Conversion
2 - 3 Years   |   3 - 3 LPA   |   Gurgaon
2 - 3 Years
3 - 3 LPA
B.Sc., B.Tech/B.E.

About The Company:
Fast Conversion is a global web and mobile agency with over 3 years of marketing, designing and development experience. We specialize in WEB, MOBILE and Desktop Application development. Our clients include Enterprises, SMEs and Startups from around the globe.

Website: NA

Salary:3.0 LPA

Desired Experience:2- 3 Years

Tentative Date Of Joining:Immediate

Interview Process:
-Face to face interview

Job Description:
-Develop web pages using HTML, CSS or Flash as required
-Be responsible for website updates and maintenance on an ongoing basis
- Candidates should be quick learners and be able to apply best practices with minimum support
-Must be extremely attentive to detail
-Must be able to meet tight deadlines and work in a fast-paced environment
-Should keep him/her self up to date with the latest Web Technologies and Web Standards.

Skill set required:
-Ability to develop table-less layouts/pages
-Proficient in using semantic and scalable XHTML/CSS
-Basic knowledge of JavaScript ,cross browser optimization and knowledge of W3C standards
-Prior work experience at a web design agency or an internet company
-Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Flash, Photoshop.


B.Sc., B.Tech/B.E.

Work Experience:
2 - 3 Years
3 - 3 LPA