Know your AMCAT Feedback Report!

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Know your AMCAT Feedback Report!

(Your personalized guide to your AMCAT scores, job-fitment and tips to improve employability)

In our previous edition last month, we had explained about AMCAT scores and their interpretation, etc. In this issue, continuing the same, we shall give you an insight into your AMCAT feedback report.

Step2: Personality Scores

Personality scores provide an analysis of your personality and offer an insight into your behavioural aspects. This analysis is done on the basis of your responses to AMPI.

The personality assessment is provided on 5 traits based on the Big Five Model of personality - now accepted as the most scientific and validated model of personality. The 5 traits are explained below:

  • Extraversion (E): An extroverted, talkative, socially confident person
  • Openness To experience (O): A broad-minded, unconventional, imaginative person with rich artistic sensitivity
  • Emotional Stability (ES): A calm, happy, undisturbed and confident person
  • Conscientiousness (C): An organized, responsible, hardworking and achievement-oriented person
  • Agreeableness (A): A kind, sympathetic, cooperative and warm person

The trait scores are classified as LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH where LOW or HIGH may not be equated to BAD or GOOD, as there are no bad or good personalities. For each trait, a Z-score is provided which measures the number of standard deviations the score is away from mean of norm. A Z-score which is more than +0.44 means the candidate is in the top 33%, whereas a Z-score of less than -0.44 indicates the candidate is in the lowest 33%.

Finally, based on the personality traits, your personality type is determined.

Step 3: Module Feedback

Performance Chakra:

Now you know what your AMCAT score and percentile mean. Your performance in AMCAT is represented through our Performance Chakra. The Performance Chakra provides a bird's eye view of your performance in different sections of each of the modules you have attempted.

Within the performance chakra, the sub-modules that are marked in green depict that a candidate has performed well in those areas. Areas marked in yellow depict an average performance and the ones in pink denote a poor performance. If a section is without any color, it means that enough number of questions were not answered to get an evaluation in that module.

Your Personalized Feedback:

This section provides you a personalized feedback based on the performance in a module, and provides you with suggestions and tips to improve.

Step4: Industry & Job Fitment

Based on our learning from working with leading corporations across the country, we have developed statistical models that underline what scores make a candidate succeed in a given job profile. Here we can predict the job profiles best suited for you as well as those profiles for which you may not be currently ready. We can also find out what subjects you need to study to become employable for the profiles for which you are not currently ready.

Amongst the different profiles available in the industry, this section will provide "your chance of selection for these profiles" as LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.

Step 5: Improve the Employability

The chapter on "Candidate Feedback Reports" will provide you tips & suggestions to improve your employability. Our intelligence feedback system, based on your strengths and weaknesses, will pick the material you can refer to and will also create a study time table.

This time table will tell how much time you need to spend on different modules to improve your employability. Also, time division for sub-modules is calculated which will help you improve in your weak areas.

The Next Step

There is always a scope for improvement. By sharpening your strengths and improving upon the weaknesses, you can succeed in tests, job interviews, and, finally, in your job.

We will regularly send you helpful tips, guidance and employability updates via email and SMS.

Last and the most important, make sure that you keep your profile (on updated with the latest information and contact details in order to receive the best job opportunities matching your profile.

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